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The Angry Mark Everhart

It's no surprise Mark Everhart is so angy. He is a disgraced former elected official in Jefferson County. He was outed for his racist and anti-woman posts on Reddit during the course of his campaign for Delegate. Oh, and then there were the convictions and jail time that came to light when he violated a protective order against him back when he lived in Maryland.

"Everhart states that in 2020 he voluntarily resigned his position as treasurer of the Jefferson County Republican Executive Committee. He said he resigned over social media revelations over two misdemeanor convictions in Baltimore County. He disputes a public statement reportedly issued April 7, 2020, by the GOP leadership committee that the committee’s members had “called for and accepted” his resignation.

Everhart provided the Spirit with a copy of what appears to be an April 4, 2020, email where he submitted his resignation to Steve Stolipher, who was then and still is chairman of the executive committee. He now also serves as a Jefferson County commissioner.

On Dec. 30, Stolipher stated the executive committee stands behind the public statement provided to the Spirit that Everhart was asked to resign from the committee. The committee's statement said Everhart was asked to resign because of racially defamatory postings on a Reddit social media account allegedly controlled by him. Stolipher said the formal minutes of the committee's meeting on April 7, 2020, reflect that statement. The Spirit has not obtained copy of those minutes."

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